The Health Executive
Kirsty Maxwell Crawford is the CEO of Poutiri and she is dedicated to Māori health workforce development and mental health advocacy. Kirsty loves her mahi and feels blessed as this is part of her whakapapa, it runs in her whànau.
Kirsty Maxwell Crawford is the CEO of Poutiri and she is dedicated to Māori health workforce development and mental health advocacy. Kirsty loves her mahi and feels blessed as this is part of her whakapapa, it runs in her whànau.
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At our meeting on the shores of Lake Rotorua, we talk about her four beautiful children, growing up in a world with new influences including social media and an increasingly disconnected and fragmented world in which colour still matters for all the wrong reasons. While it looks rather bleak in some corners of our shared universe, Kirsty’s world vibrates with the colours of Papatuanuku, spiritual health, potential and growth.
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Letting our thoughts roam freely, we end up at her happy place- her Maunga. There is an old saying that resonates with both of us which translates roughly to “Every view of Rangiuru is valid,” just like everyone here in Aotearoa should be valid, appreciated, heard and supported to heal from mauri moe to mauri oho and mauri ora!
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